If you have never had those squiggly lines or cobwebs in your vision, just wait. The majority of adults will eventually develop them. At first all you want to do is push them out of your vision. You may think there is something like a bug in front of your eyes that you can squat away. Alas, they remain. They are called floaters, and they can be pretty annoying. Do eye floaters ever go away? The answer is not very encouraging, but at least they aren’t dangerous.
What Causes Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are due to aging, yes, another one. As we get older, the gel-like part of our eye known as the vitreous creates specks of protein. These protein fibers shrink into little shreds and then clump together. The shadows they cast on our retina show up as floaters.
They are especially noticeable when looking at a clear blue sky or staring at a white space like paper. The more you try to focus on them, the harder it becomes as they quickly move out of our vision. Annoying, yes.
This mostly occurs in adults over the age of 50 who are nearsighted. They can be a complication from cataract surgery or due to an eye injury. Diabetic retinopathy or an eye inflammation can trigger them as well.
Eye Floaters Are Benign
There is no reason for concern if you have floaters. They are not harmful.
The only time you should pay attention is if you suddenly have many more of them, or if it appears as a shower of them with flashes of light and loss of side vision. This can be serious, and you should contact Dr. Matthew Hecht as soon as possible.
Can You Make Them Go Away?
The best you can do is ignore them. After a while you may hardly notice they are there if you don’t focus on them.
If they really bother your ability to see clearly or read, talk with Dr. Matthew Hecht at Hecht Eye Institute about a surgical procedure in Beverly Hills and Lawndale that can help.
Contact Hecht Eye Institute at (310) 370-5648 immediately if the amount or frequency of floaters suddenly increases as this could be an eye emergency.