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Tips for Managing Eye Strain and Fatigue

If you are sitting in front of a laptop or other computer right now and your eyes feel itchy and tired, you are 1) probably experiencing eye strain, and 2) you have probably been sitting there too long. Many of us feel like we are chained to our screens most days, but it is necessary evil in order to make a living. Whether you work remotely or in an office, there are ways to soothe your eyes and make work more palatable. Let’s list some tips for managing eye strain and fatigue.

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7 Signs You Have Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Getting older has some benefits, problematic health issues, and it’s inevitable. One of those problematic health issues is age-related macular degeneration, and 10 million Americans suffer from its consequences. It is the leading cause of vision loss, and more adults have it than have glaucoma and cataracts combined. If you are over 60 years old, pay attention to these 7 signs you have age-related macular degeneration.

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couple wearing sunglasses on the beach.

Does Wearing Sunglasses Really Protect Your Eyes?

We all have our favorite pair of sunglasses, and mostly we like how we look in them. That’s fine as long as they have UV protection to safeguard our eyes from the sun. No matter the season, we all need to have sunglasses that provide the right protection from the damaging rays of the sun. Does wearing sunglasses really protect your eyes? The answer is a resounding yes, we will explain how and why.

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Are Eye Floaters Normal?

Eye floaters are as normal as your knees starting to hurt or developing wrinkles on your beautiful face. You guessed it. Eye floaters are just another thing to add to the list of aging. You may begin to notice them after age 50. They may come and go and usually are not anything to be concerned about, with some exceptions. So, let’s find out, are eye floaters normal?

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man and woman with sunglasses and hat.

UV Safety and Age-Related Macular Degeneration

We all know that our skin needs protection from the sun and its dangerous rays. Skin cancer is top of mind when we go outside, and many of us wear sunscreen to protect our skin. However, how many of us are aware that our eyes can be damaged by sunlight? Probably a lot fewer. Let’s focus on UV Safety and Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

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Elderly woman having her eyesight checked at ophthalmology clinic.

Behind the Scenes: What to Expect During an Ophthalmology Visit

An ophthalmology visit is simple and straightforward. The tests are designed to look for any chronic eye problems or diseases and check the health of your eyes. How often you need one depends on your age, family history, or any pre-existing conditions that need monitoring. What can you expect during an ophthalmology appointment?

Read More »Behind the Scenes: What to Expect During an Ophthalmology Visit
woman wearing sunglasses.

Trabeculectomy for Glaucoma: What to Expect

Trabeculectomy for glaucoma is the gold standard for those with advanced or rapidly progressing glaucoma. As the population ages, we can expect an increase in the number of patients in their 80s and 90s with glaucoma. Many of these patients will require pressure lowering in the single digits, and only trabeculectomy can achieve intraocular pressure readings in such a low range. Trabeculectomy for glaucoma: what to expect.

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woman at ophthalmologist.

How Does Diabetes Cause Vision Loss?

Diabetes is a disease that affects the body’s ability to use and produce insulin to control blood glucose levels. We wonder how many readers are aware that diabetes can affect your heart, kidneys, legs, nerves, and even your gums and teeth. In addition, this disease affects your vision if you’re not keeping blood sugar levels in check. Today we deal with one issue. How does diabetes cause vision loss?

Read More »How Does Diabetes Cause Vision Loss?

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Schedule your appointment with Dr. Hecht and be on your way to better eye health!